Michael McCormack

Artistic Director (2016-2017)

Contributing Editor of Flotilla Playbook (2018-2019)

Michael D. McCormack completed his Intermedia MFA at NSCAD University in his hometown of Halifax, NS in May of 2015. He was the founder of the McCleave Gallery of Fine Art from 2002 until its merge with the Suitcase Art Gallery Space Research Institute (SAGSRI) in 2007.

From 2009 to 2013 he worked as  Director of Eyelevel Gallery and representative for the Association of Artist-run Centres  from the Atlantic where he directed and curated projects such as 3X3X3 (Akimbo’s critics pick of best exhibition of 2011), The World Portable Gallery Convention (2012), The Point Pleasant Park Performance Series (2011), The Kitchen Party (2013), amongst many others. He currently is a sessional instructor at NSCAD University  in Halifax, NS where he also works as an independent artist and curator. Michael’s approach as a curator is highly collaborative, stemming primarily from  an artists perspective, while fostering an experiential dialogue between artists, project partners, and the communities they interact with.

Curatorial Projects:

Eastern Edge: SHED Talks: I am a Rock

Eyelevel: Food for Thoughts: Humble Pie

Eyelevel: Food for Thoughts: Mindful Practice: Kitchen as Studio

Eyelevel: Food for Thoughts: Art, Activism and Race Relations

Centre for Art Tapes: Disrupting Hierarchies: Reflections on Power Structures in Artist Run Centres

Jordan Bennett & Lori Blondeau: Samqwan/Nipiy

Access Gallery & Other Sights: The Foreshore

CARFAC Maritimes: Brown Bag Lunch & Old Time Radio Show

Indigenous Peoples Artist Collective: Kitchen Party and Performance


SPiLL.PROpagation: Deconstructing Phonocentrism: Sign Language Rights, Accessibility and the Arts

Divya Mehra: Grief flows very easily into anger and disdain, and creates a soft and radical rage

Hank Bull: Flow Tilla Thrilla

Alexis Bulman & Norma Jean MacLean: Tarp It, Run a Cord

D’Arcy Wilson: The Memorialist: Keynote Address

hannah_g: The Anecdotalist in Residence

Society of Anonymous Drawers

David Bobier & Anna Karpinski: The Vibrational Mapping Project
